Pixel - Feline Lumbar Back Pain

Pixel the Cat

Pixel is a 13-year-old Japanese Bobtail.  Whose rehabilitation history with Dr. Kern began before Pawsitive Steps even opened!  Pixel had 2 right rear limb surgeries after a dog grabbed her leg.  One surgery repaired a torn ligament in her hock (ankle) joint; the second surgery was needed later to repair a luxating patella that developed at her stifle (knee) joint.

Pixel returned to Pawsitive Steps in September of 2020, as her arthritis in her right hind limb was affecting her mobility.  We began with exercises, acupuncture, and laser and she responded really well.  She began to follow her mom and explore her garden again.  When Pixel decided she no longer appreciated exercises in the clinic (Pixel can be a little saucy), we decided to try her on the underwater treadmill as a means to continue working towards her weight loss goals.    

Pixel, who loves to move and walk, took amazingly well to the underwater treadmill.  She is remarkably comfortable and increases her time every week.


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