KaBoom – Multiple Protruding Discs & IVDD at C2-C3


Meet KaBoom, our May 2018 Pet of the Month!  KaBoom is a 14 year old Staffordshire Terrier.  Over the years, he has led a very active life!  For many years, he ran agility and earned his Master Agility Championship (MACH) with the American Kennel Club (AKC).  At the start of agility class, he loved to greet people as they arrived for class.  He also has practiced Nose Work and Dock Diving.

After noticing hind limb weakness, he was diagnosed with spondylosis and multiple disc protrusions in summer 2016.  After 18 months, there was no improvement and his front limbs became affected.  A second MRI showed a disc protrusion at cervical disc 2 and 3 (C2-C3).  These vertebrae are higher in the neck and protrusions here can affect all 4 limbs to varying degrees. 

KaBoom started rehabilitation at Pawsitive Steps Rehabilitation & Therapy for Pets in December 2017.  Understandably, his stamina was poor, it was difficult for him to stand for more than a few seconds, and he would frequently knuckle on fore limbs and hind limbs.  With basic homework exercises and underwater treadmill, KaBoom slowly showed improvement.  He was able to walk longer distances and stand for much longer.

In March 2018, KaBoom was able to go on his family’s annual vacation.  During his time off, his family continued with his rehabilitation exercises, acupuncture and swam him every day.  He continues to swim multiple times a week here, receives acupuncture once a week, and is stronger than ever!  We are so proud of KaBoom and his family and all their hard work to keep him active in his senior years.

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