Nahanni - Severe arthritis in hips and lumbar spine

NahanniMeet Nahanni, our Novemeber Pet of the Month.  She is an 11 year old Alaskan Malamute, who has severe arthritis involving her hips and lumbar back. We met her over the summer because her arthritis issues were causing her significant discomfort and reducing her mobility.  On some days, she was uncomfortable enough that she would growl if her back end was touched. She has done great with her rehabilitation therapy and has been taking walks again and enjoying the finer things in life.  In fact, she was doing so well that she got to take a road trip with her dad for a vacation in Glacier National Park in Montana in September!  He emailed us a few photos from their adventure along with a nice update about how hiking there was working out nicely and providing a good uneven surface work out for them both!  This is a beautiful photo of Nahanni enjoying the scenery at Glacier National Park -  Looks like she had fun on vacation!

"I wanted to give an update of Nahanni's progress this week to her therapy helpers. She's doing great, and as you can see uneven surfaces is a breeze when there's ice cold water at stake. This river is from one of the glaciers in Glacier National Park, Montana. I hope these pictures are a welcome sight and proof of the good exercises you've taught us. She had almost no problems maneuvering or with stamina on this trip and I'm very thankful for that."

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