Miss Daisy - R HL Prosthetic Device

Miss DaisyMeet Miss Daisy, our July Pet of the Month!  Miss Daisy is a Sicilian miniature donkey and is now 11 months old.  Although, our usual patients are small animals here at Pawsitive Steps Rehabilitation & Therapy for Pets, Miss Daisy had a unique problem.  Back in February, she had a wound near her hoof line on her right rear limb, which worsened despite the best care.  Sadly, she lost her hoof on that limb and also her lowest 2 bones.  Her folks and her regular veterinarian, Dr. Austen Epp (Michigan Equine Surgical Associates) brought Miss Daisy in to us in April to see if a prosthesis might be an option for her.  We worked with our friends at OrthoPets to see about helping this young lady out!  OrthoPets has worked with many different species to create orthotics and prosthetics for them, so we were hopeful that Miss Daisy would be a good candidate!  She has been doing great and tolerated bandage changes at home and laser therapy here.  She was a trooper for casting her limb for her device and she was fitted for her beautiful prosthesis on June 26th.

Along the way, Miss Daisy has cultivated quite a following:  she has her own Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/MissDaisyDonkey?fref=ts) , she also has her own photo album on our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.962213240470213.1073741866.520402517984623&type=3), she was featured on the front page of the Oakland Press on 6/6/15 and her prosthesis fitting was covered by Channel 7 WXYZ-TV on 6/26/15.

Associated links:

Miss Daisy's Oakland Press original article:  http://www.theoaklandpress.com/general-news/20150605/independence-twp-couple-getting-prosthetic-hind-leg-for-pet-donkey

Miss Daisy's Oakland Press follow-up article:  http://www.theoaklandpress.com/general-news/20150707/miss-daisy-donkey-fitted-with-prosthesis

Miss Daisy's R HL prosthesis TV report:  http://www.wxyz.com/news/pet-donkey-receives-prosthetic-leg

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