Faith - spinal traction injury

FaithMeet Faith, our May Pet of the Month.  Faith will be working hard to regain use of her rear legs after an accident with a closing door. The neurologist suspects that she had a spinal "traction" injury, meaning that there were no obvious fractures, but when the door closed and she ran forward to escape, she injured her spinal cord through an acute stretch trauma.  She arrived unable to move her rear legs at all and unable to urinate on her own (needing to have her bladder expressed frequently to void).  Sh has been getting acupuncture, rehabilitation care and TLC here at Pawsitive Steps Rehabilitation & Therapy for Pets for a little while and is making slow but steady progress.  She can now urinate with stimulation (rather than squeezing her bladder manually), which is a huge improvement.  Additionally, she does move her rear legs, but her movements are reflex movements only - her brain is not aware that her feet are moving and her feet do not respond to signals from the brain.  In some cases, more balance and strength can come along later and we can teach animals to "spinal walk", so we will have to see how Faith does over time. We will keep you posted on her progress!

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