Thankful to be a Rehabilitation Veterinary Technician

Dante-Rehabby Lisa Blanchard BA, LVT, CMT, CCRP, CCFT

The Veterinary Curse

When I first began my career as an LVT, specifically a rehabilitation veterinary technician,  several people told me that my animals would now have the “veterinary curse”.  This meant that they would be plagued by strange illnesses, ruptured ligaments and a multitude of odd injuries that would often be difficult to diagnose and treat without a significant amount of diagnostics and complex medications.  My youngest Doberman, Dante has been the epitome of the “curse” and his health issues took a grave turn in July 2015 when he was suddenly diagnosed with immune mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA). Continue…

A Year of Veterinary Rehabilitation Blogs

by Cathryn Fields, LVT

Lessons learned blogging about veterinary rehabilitation…

Last July we published our first blog and emailed our first newsletter on Acoustic Compression Therapy (ACT).  This year has flown by, and we have made several changes to the look and feel of our electronic communications.  Reflecting over the year here are some of our lessons learned…

The Good

When we first started, our newsletter arrived in your inbox as “July Pawsitive Pet Briefs.”  As naming goes it was pretty generic, and boring…but predictable.  After listening to a political talk show on NPR, our first real change to the newsletter was the name.  The title would no longer be the same from month to month, but more of a preview of that month’s theme or topic.  After this change, the number of subscribers who took the time to open our newsletter grew significantly.   Continue…