Weight Loss for the Pampered Pooch

How to go from “Killing Them with Kindness” to “Winning at Weight Loss”!

We all love our pets, but do we really know the best way to show that love? How many times have you given your pet a little snack, either when you leave, when you get home, or both? I know I am definitely guilty of giving too many treats. Remember the phrase, “The way to the heart is through the stomach?” People have taken that saying to heart, but is this really the best thing for our pets? The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention states that in 2017 “an estimated 60% of cats and 56% of dogs in the United States are overweight or obese” (Ward, 2018). This means approximately 50 million dogs and 56 million cats are heavier than their ideal weight. So, what can we do to help our pets lose the extra weight? Continue…

What’s In A Pant?

by Janelle Allen, LVT

Dogs pant. It’s a fact of life! But why do they pant? To some of us, the obvious answer would be because they are warm and trying to cool down, but that might not be the whole story for some pets. Let’s first define panting and then look at some reasons as to why dogs pant. Continue…