Canine Cruciate Ligament Disease

By Collen Lum, LVT

Also Known As, Bolt-Yelp-Three Leg Syndrome

It’s a nice, crisp, fall morning and you’re looking out through your window drinking a hot cup of coffee and your Labrador is beside you begging to go outside, so you open the door. He bolts out, jumping the decks steps towards an invading critter (i.e. squirrel, rabbit, unicorn, etc.)  and you hear a yelp. Sure enough he comes trotting back holding up one of his hind limbs. Sound familiar? More than likely, he injured his cranial cruciate ligament; possibly one of the most common stifle (knee) injuries in the dog.

The cranial cruciate ligament is one of the most important stabilizers of the knee joint in dogs, connecting the largest two bones in the hind limb together, and when it is injured can cause a lot of instability and pain. When it is torn, it is usually a result of slow degeneration (aging) that has been taking place over a few months or even years rather than the result of sudden trauma to a healthy ligament.


Back to School: Teaching Your Dog How to Use a Ramp

By Cathryn Fields, LVT

Benefits to Using a Ramp

As our dogs age or recover from injury, getting into and out of vehicles can be difficult for them.  Ramps and stairs are a great way to help our dogs without the impact and stress on their joints associated with jumping.  They also prevent us from putting strain on our backs as we try to assist our dogs, especially our large breed friends, into and out of cars.

Points to Consider

Introduce the Ramp to Young Dogs 

It is never too young to teach a dog to use a ramp!  Younger dogs do not suffer from the age related vision and arthritic changes that an older dog may experience; therefore they are more confident in their footing.  Early introduction allows your dog to have the skills and experience to use the ramp when they will benefit the most from it.    Continue…