A Thank You Note to All the Vet Techs in My Life

By Chaos (as told to Jennie Houghteling, LVT)

In Honor of Veterinary Technician Week (10/13/19 through 10/19/19)

I don’t remember the first vet tech I ever met. I do not yet know the last vet tech I will meet, but I know that all the vet techs in my life have been wonderful. They have comforted me when I was scared, drew my blood when I needed it checked, monitored my anesthesia for my surgery, did my dental cleaning, checked my blood pressure, gave me lots of pets, checked my eye pressures when I was diagnosed with glaucoma, gave me my medications, cleaned my cage when I made a mess, made my dinner extra tasty, and snuggled me when I was lonely. They have done many other things for me that I am sure I do not remember, but I know they were always done with a kind word and a loving touch.

The Many Hats of a Vet Tech

I know that not all pets show how much we appreciate the vet techs in our lives, but I just want to let you know we do love you. Sometimes we may bite, scratch, or hiss to show our displeasure. In reality, we just scared, confused, and hurting and your kindness to us means more than you will know. Your compassion not only helps to comfort us, the pets, but it also helps comfort our families. Sometimes you do more work educating and comforting our families than you do helping us. You have learned the secret to be able to speak to both the pet and the people.

In all my time spent in a vet office, I have seen vet techs do many things. They take a history from the owners, take the vital signs of their patients, relay information to and from the veterinarians, draw blood, take x-rays, fill and explain prescription medications, monitor anesthesia, assist in surgeries, clean up messes, take care of hospitalized patients, give medications, and bathe messy patients. They happily go over new puppy or kitten information with a pet parent and they cry (sometimes with a pet parent or sometimes alone) over the passing of a long time patient. They rush to help in emergencies and they know when it is time to take a step back and assess things. Many people will never get to see all of those things. I want to applaud all of the vet techs I have ever seen and the many I will never meet for what you do on a day to day basis. You are amazing!

Rehab Technicians

At this point in my life, I get to hang out in an awesome rehabilitation facility once a week. I experience a lot of cool things there. These techs also love their patients. They pour their heart and soul into each one and love to see their patients improve. They help patients recover from surgery, athletic dogs excel in their sports, and assist with prosthetics, orthotics, and carts to give pets their freedom back. Some patients may not get better, but the vet tech is there helping them to feel their best. Massage, stretching, and joint mobilizations are just some of the ways the rehab techs help relieve pain and help their patients feel better. Sometimes that is all that is needed. Veterinary technicians are a rare breed, and a rehab technician is even more so.

Vet Tech Week

This year, October 13 to October 19 is National Veterinary Technician Week and I just wanted to say thank you to all the veterinary technicians out there. In my life, I have had many technicians and I am sure I will meet many more. Thank you for all of you hard work, kind words, and gentle touch. The veterinary industry is nothing without you.